Friday, October 17, 2008

Scott Moore Update

This morning, Brian Hornback of Brian's Blog talked with Scott Moore via telephone from his undisclosed location. Hornback relayed all the phone messages to Moore that have been communicated to him through us since Tuesday. Over 99.8% of the calls received for Moore by the Brian's blog team have been encouraging Moore to appeal the decision.

In addition, there have been several inquiries about Moore publishing a "tell all" book. All offers are being accumulated at the Brian's Blog office and will be forwarded to Mr. Moore after he returns from his Monceir/McElroy free zone.

Look for an official announcement of any appeal around the last week of October 2008.


  1. Anonymous10:26 AM

    What will be the basis for his appeal? his lies were brazern, transparent, and worse of all, lame!
    I know you like him and everything and I don't expect that to change, but Knox Co is better off with him out of county government.


  2. My belief is that the basis of fact for an appeal would be that the Judge did not base his ruling on fact but on his "opinion". the Judge in his ruling stated that it is "inconceivable" that Moore couldn't remember a phone conversation from nearly two years ago.

    I have informed my friend, Scott Moore that if he decides to appeal, I will stand with him. If he deides not to appeal, I will stand with him. I am loyal to my friends.

    I will tell you what is inconceivable to me and that this very Judge has admitted less than four years ago in a published interview that he is jaded and frustrated. That alone should be basis for an appeal, in my opinion.

  3. Anonymous1:32 PM

    I would saw it depends on what the judge is frustrated and jaded about.
    I remember when the case was before the court and reading about the testimony as it was reparted. Mr. Moore's excuses (lies) were lame then and they're still lame.


  4. My questions would be have you ever been in a position where 8 seats are up for appointment and 70 plus people were lobbying for them. Could you remember every phone conversation that you had? It is doubtful.

    The standard is set. Look for Brian's Blog to report about at least one other Commissioner that has committed perjury in a recent court of law.

  5. Anonymous2:11 PM

    The only Commissioner where there is proof of perjury is R. Larry Smith.

    The Scott Moore thing was a News Sentinel witch hunt. There was no proof of perjury.

    Jack McElroy is the one who should be out of a job.

  6. Anonymous11:11 PM

    I hope Scott can write a tell all book:get a good editor and make a killing. I think a lot of us know what goes on in this town but can't get anything done about it. Scott got a raw deal, but he is strong and will be better for it. McElroy thinks if they get the charter amendments passed this town will belong to him. Vote no on the charter amendments and hopefully we can get rid of Jack too.
