Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Knox County Charter Amendments

#1 and #2 Pass

#3 We are calling this one PASSED. Commission will be reduced to 11 from 19.


#5 PASSED BIG. This one led by one man team of John Emison. Is it similar to one man one vote? No, John gained over 50,000 votes with him.


  1. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Funny you would mention "one vote".
    With this passing it makes Mr. Graham's Lowes development in Halls more valuable to him.
    So, now he can court some good restaurants for Halls.
    This vote would explain why he has had his TIF on hold.
    And this vote is even more reason not to give him a TIF for the development.

  2. You bring up an interesting connection. The reason I said that was an inside poke at Emison and Greg MaKay. Emison as head of Citizens of Home Rule were the chief complainers to MaKay for South Grove.

    That's why I mentioned it.
