Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dr. McIntyre is the Fresh Bold Leader Knox County Schools Needed

From 1999-2007 the Knox County Superintendent of Schools was led by lack luster leadership. Dr. McIntyre tonight at the school board workshop began his Legacy of Leadership. The legacy of leadership that we called for this morning.

His comments via the NBC affiliate television stations website were. "While federal student privacy laws really restrict what I can say publicly about the individual students, I will say administrative action has been taken in suspending several students from playing in Austin-East's game against Catholic High School on Friday evening," McIntyre said.

"Any relevant information that comes to light, of course, will be considered between now and Friday."

"While I'm not at liberty to identify any of the students, I will say that I personally informed the young men of this decision this afternoon."

Thank you, Dr. McIntyre!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Hooray! Great to know that he will make the right moves!
