Sunday, November 30, 2008

Hyams of Citadel Broadcasting & Hamilton of UT. Are they Classless?

The other day we posted about Jimmy Hyams and Mike Hamilton concerning the rumor of Lane Kiffin as the new head football coach at UT. We said then that neither could be believed. Now, after the actions of both. We are wondering if they actually worked in concert with one another to taint the final weekend of Phil Fulmer and the Fulmer family.

It did not go unnoticed that Hamilton was no where to be seen yesterday during the UT / KY football game. Hamilton was no where to be found when Fulmer ran through the T prior to the start of the ball game. Hamilton was no where to be found when Fulmer had his last interview on the field at the end of the game. Hamilton was no where to be found during the post game prayer. Hamilton was no where to be found when the Tennessee players carried Fulmer off the field.

Now, Hamilton is hiring a man named Lane Kiffin and I am willing to give Kiffin a chance, if and only if he does not hire Ed Orgeron. If he hires Orgeron, it will speak volumes about where the program is headed with Hamilton and Kiffin. Just go back and see how Orgeron did at Ole Miss. Not just wins and losses. But his players off field antics as well.

It is interesting to note that Hyams for the first time this morning has acknowledged that a hire of Ed Orgeron is a bad idea. Hyams has come to the thinking of Brian's Blog. However, his pre-mature exposure of the Lane Kiffin hiring in order to taint Phil Fulmer's last game and last weekend is deplorable and classless and if he did it in concert with Hamilton. That makes them both classless. But are we surprised?

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