Thursday, November 27, 2008

Not a Happy Thanksgiving for Former News Sentinel Employee

It appears that certain jobs earlier this month that were eliminated at the metal shed on the hill WERE NOT ELIMINATED! THEY WERE TRANSFERRED OVERSEAS!!

As a Brian's Blog team member, I was out in the community on the day before Thanksgiving and ran into someone that appeared gloomy. As I began talking to him and our conversation progressed, he told me he was recently laid off a few weeks ago as an employee in the graphics department of the Knox News Sentinel. He then went on to tell me that his position was outsourced overseas and that KNS outsources the work! He had worked there for at least two decades.

It appears our hard earned PILOT is not for jobs in Knoxville and Knox County. But it's for jobs overseas! Here is the press release. Please note they don't mention transferring jobs. It is sneaky but not sneaky enough for the Brian's Blog Team!


  1. That's'd think as conservative as this part of the state is they would do everything in their power to keep jobs here. It's one thing to literally not have the money and lay off employees, but to send it overseas is an insult. Worse comes to worse, at least give the job to a fresh graduate so he/she can be hired at a cheaper rate. I have a lot of sympathy for the graphics employee.

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Jack McElroy has ruined this newspaper. Why does KNS management keep letting Mac the knife run this paper into bankruptcy?

    The major advertisers should demand a new editor. What you don't know is Knox County circulation has dropped to below 67,000 weekday circulation. It is no wonder jobs are being lost.

    We need an honest editor.
