Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thank God for Guns - Denny Crane

I love Denny Crane! Denny Crane is played by William Shatner on ABC's television series Boston Legal. Most all of my friends that get personal emails from me always see a Denny Crane quote within my signature line. A buddy of mine emailed me this video. I wish that we had seen this before the election. But it is still relevant today. As we prepare to give thanks tomorrow for this country, our family, friends, heath, freedom of religion maybe we ought to add our thankfulness for guns.

If you are offended, oh well.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Very funny! And a very effective way to make your point as long as no one remembers that this is a TV show. It worked out this way for Denny Crane because the SCRIPT said it would. Real life is not scripted. It is very, very possible, that in real life Denny would be dead.

    PS If I had been the robber I'd have popped him and his friend the moment he started his schtick.
