Saturday, December 06, 2008

Congratulations to Knoxville Catholic

Knoxville Catholic High School got their first State Championship in the school's history. Congrats. A lot of the boys and their families I have known for years. Great deserving people.

On a sad note, Maryville High School's win streak of 74 straight wins came to an end today. With Hillsborough beating them for a state championship.

Alcoa won another State Championship last night. Congrats to them as well.


  1. Hey Brian,

    KCHS actually won their first ever state championships earlier this year... in tennis and soccer. It was still a great football game yesterday. Go Irish!

  2. Good catch, Frank. I could go into how tennis and soccer ain't real sports. But, I won't because I coached AYSO and Upward soccer for years. Plus. Farragut is good in soccer.

    Tennis on the other hand...LOL.
