Monday, December 15, 2008

Knox County Property Assessor At Commission Meeting

UPDATE: 6:04 p.m. The PILOT/TIF audit is an item for discussion on tonight's Commission agenda. An item that the Property Assessor should/could/would have an interest. However, doesn't it make sense that he should/could/would do his real job until the item comes up for discussion? Which by the way did not come up until 5:30 p.m.

This afternoon our sources indicate that former County Commissioner and current Property Assessor Phil Ballard was sitting at the Knox County Commission meeting during normal business hours. Someone may need to tell him that he is the Property Assessor and that the task of re-appraisal is coming up in 2009. The taxpayers are paying his salary to run the office of Property Assessor and not sitting in the Knox County Commission meeting. He could do like all the other Knox County employees and watch the commission meeting in their City-County Building office on their televisions on Comcast cable.

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