Monday, December 15, 2008

Why Is Everyone "Skeered" of Bill Frist

This story in today's News Sentinel has me wondering why everyone is "skeered" of Bill Frist. Bill Gibbons of Memphis, U.S. Congressman Zach Wamp of Chattanooga have said they will run, if Frist doesn't. Congressman Marsha Blackburn, Knoxville Mayor Bill Haslam and Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey are beginning to dance as candidates for Governor if Frist doesn't run.

I do not understand the fear that Frist sends through these people. The last thing we need is an executive level elected official that is willing to cave into wishes of one former Senator. If you want to lead then get out there. If you want to be the groomsman instead of the groom, then act skeered. There is no honor in being your own skeered self.

If Frist were to run for Governor and unfortunately he was elected, he would last about 36 hours. Nashville would chew him up and spit him out.

However, for the record, my prediction on this the 15th day of December, 2008 at 6:30 a.m. is that Bill Frist is too skeered himself to run for Governor. He will NOT do it.

1 comment:

  1. Brian,
    I don't think they're "skeerd" I think they simply understand and acknowledge that Frist simply has a better chance of winning than they do and a wide open primary would lower Repub chances of winning the Governor's race. Secondly, they may also owe him favors and this is simply payback.
    You might be correct but I think your case/evidence is more than a little thin.

