Friday, January 09, 2009

County Commissioner Smith Requests a Party Reprimand

Knox County Commissioner Smith of the Seventh district has requested a Republican Party reprimand on himself. Sources have informed us that Monday night at the Fountain City Republican Club that Commissioner Smith asked KnoxGOP Chairman candidate Ray H. Jenkins if he is elected in March 2009, what did he plan to do about Republicans that talk bad about other Republicans.

The crowd was shocked that Commissioner Smith would ask for a party reprimand and possible censure of himself. Commissioner Smith has on two occasions violated Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment, speak no ill of another Republican.

First, Commissioner Smith has perjured himself in court proceedings against fellow district Commissioner Scott Moore. Sources indicate that legal proceedings are in the beginning stages against Commissioner Smith for his perjury.

Second, Commissioner Smith voted to appoint a Democrat for Fourth District County Commissioner instead of the three Fourth District Commission Republican candidate appointees Mike Alford, Logan Brummitt and Walter Wojnar.

1 comment:

  1. Brian,
    Think he migh be trying to call their bluff?

