Thursday, January 15, 2009

Seventh District County Commission Appointee Candidate Lillian Williams

Lillian Williams, a successful businesswoman from the Powell community explains her involvement and with her working with the County Mayor's office secured a grant for beautification of the Powell community. Mrs. Williams worked with the Teen Driving Awareness Campaign in the Powell community.

In 2004 prior to the teen driving awareness campaign there were 13 teen fatalities before the forming of this organization and now only 3 fatalities since it's inception. The organization secured a $60,000 grant to make the organization statewide.

Mike Hammond asked about what projects in the district. She discussed the Halls park that Commissioner Moore and the Smith character. He asked why you

Craig Leuthold asked if Scott Moore's appeal is successful. Will you fight his She said if his appeal is successful, she will gladly step aside to allow him to take his seat.

Richard Briggs, Do you have any idea what you will do in 2010. She will run. Any arrest or unpaid taxes. To her knowledge, None.
Mark Harmon, would you serve on Board of Zoning Appeals. Any board that the commission would like to serve on, I will serve.
Tony Norman, why do you attend so many commission meetings. I knew three years ago that I had an interest in running. But I needed to know how the process works. He asked is there anybody that you have any special relationship with. She said NO.
Commissioner Smith, what personal goals. To continue on the issues that you are working on. What is biggest assets that you bring. My business background. I am very personable person. I just want what is best for the seventh district. What experience with budgets and how big are the budgets. I have always ran the office for all of our businesses. The budgets were 2-5 million dollars. Will you vote on every issue. If I don't know the issue I will not vote on it.

Smith said that he has an issue with her being a part of the ouster lawsuit of Mayor Ragsdale. He tried to impose a standard that if you were applying for a job at TVA or UT and were suing them, they wouldn't hire you. He was reminded that a member of County Commission, Paul Pinkston is on the same ouster suit.

She is NOT employed by Knox County and has NO relatives on the Knox County payroll.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:51 AM

    So, R is worried about Williams being part of the ouster suit. Well, we know for sure who's water he is carrying don't we! He used to be the one I thought I could trust, and I grew up with him in church at Beaver Dam in Halls, before he went Presbyterian. Or, before he went political that is.

    We need more people on commission that will push for radical change if they see something corrupt like our current mayor.
