Thursday, January 15, 2009

Seventh District County Commission Appointee Candidate Steven Ross

Works with Premiere Surgical. Served three to four years in the military. Has extensive law enforcement career. He has spent time in health care. He has no ties, allies or enemies in the area. I stand here to serve. The appearance of wrong doing is as the wrong doing itself.

His primary goal is to serve the citizens of Knox County.

He will step aside if Scott Moore is successful in his appeal.

There is a lot of waste in Knox County today and until we cut that, I will not cut it. If a tax increase is what is needed and all avenues have been exhausted then he will support a tax increase.

At what point did you make a decision. It was when people wanted to talk and he wanted people to be heard. He talked about being a servant. He discussed how Paul was a bond servant, a slave. Everything he has done has been to make somebody else's way a little better.

Hammond asked where is the waste? Ross talked about the county take home cars, He commented about Commissioner Lambert had an excellent idea of unplugging the fax machines. He talked about employees wasting time.

What issues are for the seventh district? People are worried about their jobs, if their going to have food on the table. We need to think globally and plan locally. He serves as a Deacon for First Baptist Church of Powell. He has provided transportation, housing and employment for an Iraqi family. He has fed the homeless downtown. He assisted in starting a neighborhood watch for his community. He has coached little league.

He was born in Los Angeles, raised in Northern California and worked in Central California. California is a beautiful place, but it wasn't a place for me or a place to raise my family. Everybody was driving for the all mighty dollar. They parked their cars in the garage and never knew their neighbors. They vacationed here every two years. He fell in love with the people of East Tennessee.

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