Thursday, January 15, 2009

Seventh District County Commission Appointee Candidate Jeff Stooksbury

He was born and raised in the Seventh district. He felt a sense of duty to apply for this job. He would like to help restore confidence in Knox County. This would be a care taker position for him. He is in the construction business. He live in Fountain City and works in Powell. He would stay in contact with the citizens of Knox County.

He would work to lower our bonded indebtedness. He has no relatives working for Knox County. He has NEVER applied for a position in Knox County.

He has a wife and two young children.

He will gladly step aside if Scott Moore is successful in his appeal of the ouster suit.

He would not be in favor of raising taxes. He would have no problem serving on Board of Zoning Appeals.

His greatest quality is he is an honest person. His budget experience is $40 million dollar range.

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