Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Sunday Thought From A Team Member

It looks like Regal Cinemas is freezing executive pay at 2008 levels.

It would be nice if the school board had the guts to terminate or suspend contract negotiations with Dr. McIntyre, and that both could agree to this move, until the economy improves.

Instead when Dr. McIntyre stated that positions might have to be cut, he also stated there would be cuts in Central Office, but he didn't indicate that his own salary or compensation package might be decreased.

Is this "the next level" of leadership? Wouldn't the salary increase that Carson and her cohorts gave to the new superintendent have covered a couple of teachers' salaries?

Didn't Dr.Murphy, who led and pushed for the dramatic increase in salary and is a business professor, see a possible economic slowdown coming?

We need to quit hiring "professionals" to do "public service" at prices that, let's face it, even private industry won't pay them for doing. That's why these "professional" bureaucrats end up working for the government. Private industry won't have them.

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