Monday, January 05, 2009

Wamp Officially Announces for Governor of Tennessee

Matt Wilson of the Chattanooga Times Free Press is the first to break the news of the official announcement of Third District United States Congressman Zach Wamp's to launch his candidacy for Governor.

"One of the highest honors of my life has been to serve the very best people in the world — the citizens of Tennessee’s Third District — in Congress for the last 14 years. I am grateful and humbled that you have again elected me to serve in Congress, and I will be sworn in tomorrow to serve you in the 111th Congress. I will continue to make my service to you my highest priority. Our country faces difficult challenges in the days ahead, and I will do my best to bring reasoned, conservative solutions to the problems we face."

"However, I believe the time is at hand for me to expand my service to help even more people in our great state by pursuing the office of Governor. While so much is good in Tennessee, I know in my heart we can continue to do better. From education, economic development, infrastructure and transportation to safer cities and healthier children, I will lead our state with vision, planning and implementation while setting goals and achieving results for a better Tennessee."

"In the next few days, I will travel the Third District to thank and hear from the people who have been so good to Kim, Weston, Coty and me over the years. I will also file the paperwork necessary to begin raising money as a candidate for Governor of the great State of Tennessee."

"Bolstered by a strong record of public service, a strong faith in God and the support of thousands of people like you who have stood with us through the years, I begin this extraordinary journey with a servant’s heart and a commitment to the common sense values that makes Tennessee the state we all love. Please pray for us and spread the good word."

"Thank you so much."

1 comment:

  1. Brian, great blog by the way - I ran into Congressman Wamp in Gatlinburg, the last week of December. He is a rare politician and I think he would make an outstanding candidate, a real standout in a crowded field in my estimation. I already know who I am voting for. Regards - Michael Lindsay, Knoxville.
