Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Karen Carson Misleads and Then Violates Settlement Agreement

At Monday night's School Board Workshop in response to the discussion about the guidance by the Law Director regarding the Bill Phillips incident. Karen Carson said it is necessary to discuss this item in public because we have to discuss all matters pertaining to teachers, principals etc. This was either an outright lie or a misstatement as the board has a history of not discussing every incident involving principals and teachers.

The most glaring example of her lie or misstatement was the incident involving another school board member. A situation where the school board met in “secret” executive session and then proceeded to spend over $20,000.00 of our hard earned taxpayer dollars in settlement money. School Board Member Cindy Buttry brought this incident to the forefront at the Monday meeting that there was no public discussion and at the time the school board was participating in the county’s ethics committee.

At which point Carson proceeds to say that the money was awarded to the victim due to a principal not following policy in reporting a specific incident, not because of anything the board member did. When this settlement was reached it was sealed and now Carson has violated the sealed nature of the settlement.

For the record, there are several incidents that have NOT been fully discussed in public and could now be open to investigation by the Ethics Committee. Because the Law Director has stated on Monday night that there is NO statute of limitation. One incident is a current high level staff person driving a school system sedan while driving under the influence. Another incident of a high level staff person involved in a smear campaign involving two high school administrators. An active lawsuit is currently working it’s way through the court system involving this one administrator and the role the high level staff person played in the media campaign that smeared the innocent individual.

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