Friday, February 06, 2009

TN Democrats Gone Sad! Haslam Family Loses It?

Multiple sources inform us that the Tennessee Democrats were nearly jumping of the E Street Bridge in mass this week and the smoke began rising from the Pilot headquarters on the hill. The smoke is a sign of full rage.

It seems that President Obama is considering Governor Phil Bredesen for Health & Human Services Secretary. Should Bredesen accept and be confirmed. That will move Republican Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey to the Governor's mansion. Thus, Ramsey becomes a Republican incumbent Governor, he will be able to begin fundraising immediately for Governor in 2010 as "The Governor." Thus, the funds for Haslam for Governor dries up and his ability to be elected to the position of Governor is very complicated.

It seems that so far the smoke has NOT revealed any fire as of yet. However, we are confident that the Knoxville Fire Department is nearby to extinguish any fire that may become a blaze.

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