Friday, March 13, 2009

Greg MacKay's Replacement

Before yesterday, the likely Republican candidates for Greg MacKay's position at the Knox County Election Commission are Banker Josh Burnett, School Board Member Cindy Buttry and City Councilman Steve Hall. (I put them in alphabetical order by last name)

A new name emerged shortly after yesterday's appointment of Bowman. Former State Representative candidate and mouthpiece of the Charter Amendments group Gary Drinnen. Sources within the courthouse have informed Brian's Blog prior to the appointment of the election commissioner that MacKay was boasting that he would maintain a job within the election commission should Bowman be appointed.

Now, that Tom Humphrey has reported that Bowman is a lawyer in the law firm of Kramer, Rayson it makes sense. A firm that is dominated by Democrats will likely keep Mackay in a Drinnen administration. Better yet, it is likely that the only change will be a third Republican member of the commission and Mackay stays. Time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Bowman isn't the issue. If someone has agreed to vote for a certain republican and the others don't follow suit, McKay can slip in and stay with only the democrats votes. Sneedville is watching.
