Thursday, March 05, 2009

Hillcrest Is In Trouble and the News Sentinel Is Covering For Them.

O.k. Brian's Blog is working on a story that the News Sentinel refuses to cover. Hillcrest is not being allowed either by state or federal regulators to accept new patients.

The News Sentinel is refusing to run the story. Sources in the Big Metal Shed on the Hill say that one of the junior Editor's David Kim says that it is not a story. We think that it is. Especially since they have run the one hundredth story on Bill Phillips and the fiftieth story on James Owens but Willie Anderson is still stuck on page 14. While they do nothing we will post a story later.

If you believe that junior Editor David Kim is wrong and that Hillcrest is a story. Email your comments here or call the Scripps Ethics Line at 888-397-4911.

Here is their stock performance.

SSP (Common Stock)
Exchange NYSE (US Dollar)
Price $0.90
Change (%) 0.03 (3.23%)
Volume 97,200
Data as of 03/05/09 2:57 p.m. ET

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Check out the PR puff from, someone with no name, at the KNS.

    Gee, I wonder if Ms. Moxley ghosted that? Isn't that what they call advocacy journalism?

    The funny part is that the story conflicts with the legal notice from Wednesday.

    The new scam is that if Bill Lockett will sign a contract Hillcrest will magically keep their Medicare funding. It won't happen. Hillcrest was essentially bankrupt long ago. It is a dead company walking.

    The only thing that can keep Hillcrest alive is millions of dollars of cash from someone. Looks like they are looking at the Knox County taxpayers. If Bill Lockett is foolish enough to sign a contract without reviewing the Hillcrest books he should be ousted. No one signs a ten year deal with a broke company that is going under. Why doesn't the KNS print the financials from Hillcrest. Don't the taxpayers have a right to see what the gamble is? How much of a property tax increase is this worth to you?
