Monday, March 02, 2009

The McElroy Bias - The Gift That Keeps On Giving

On Saturday Tennessee's Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey announced his intention to run in the Republican Primary for Governor in 2010. Setting up now a four way Republican primary race between himself, TN Third District Congressman Zach Wamp, Shelby County District Attorney General Bill Gibbons and the Knoxville Mayor.

Now, as a potential candidate you make an announcement like that on Saturday in order to get coverage in the Sunday papers. Especially the BIG regional papers like the Memphis Commercial Appeal, Nashville's Tennessean, Johnson City Press and the one owned by E.W. Scripps in Knoxville. You know the one where Jack McElroy is Editor.

Well it worked everywhere except the E.W. Scripps one in Knoxville, the one where Jack McElroy is Editor. Where and When did it appear in the Knoxville paper? It happened on Monday in the Georgiana Vines column. Not only is Monday one of the least read papers of the week, but to place it in the least read column of the paper is a slap in the face to our state's Lt. Governor.

Why oh why, Jack McElroy would you do this? Is it because you have a bias for the candidacy of the Knoxville Mayor? Is it because a certain business unit in Knoxville buys more of your papers on Friday then you typically print on any of the other 6 days a week?

Why, Jack McElroy do you have a bias?


  1. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Noticed that Jack McElroy's name appears in a very small type set on this blog. Intentional or just hilarious coincidence? Inquiring minds want to know.....

  2. We hadn't noticed. Hmm. I guess we will have to look into that.

  3. Anonymous9:12 AM

    More Jack Mac bias;

    So Briggs is the new Rags? And a fan of Metro too. Just great. So Jack Mac gets to pick the next Mayor?

  4. Brian,
    Small letters? Oh SNAP!!!!
    It almost transcends being ... childish? No, it's definitely biting commentary.
    Anyway ... I read the original source and ... it seems to me and my understanding of what was said is that Lt. Gov. Ramsey will probably run, is leaning toward running, may run and so on. It wasn't definite and so definitely NOT banner headline news. It was IMHO a non-announcement anouncement that got the headline it deserved.


  5. Anonymous10:49 AM

    The greatest bias ever. In Wednesday KNS a legal notice was posted about Hillcrest. But the KNS didn't run the news story in the paper. This is the biggest story about Hillcrest and the KNS censored it even though they printed it in the classifieds as a legal notice.

    Hillcrest West has been dropped by Medicare and Medicaid.

    That is straight up censorship by the KNS.

    "PUBLIC NOTICE FOR INVOLUNTARY TERMINATION OF MEDICARE /MEDICAID PROVIDER AGREEMENT Notice is hereby given that effective March 18 2009 the agreement between Hillcrest West Knoxville Tennessee and the Secretary of Health and Human Services as provider of nursing services in the Health Insurance for the Aged and Disabled Program (Medicare) is to be terminated. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has determined that Hillcrest West is not in compliance with the Requirements for Participation. The Medicare program will not make payment for inpatient nursing services to residents who are admitted after March 18 2009. For residents admitted prior to March 18 2009 payment may continue for a maximum of 30 days for nursing services. Such payment is specifically limited to covered services through the close of business April 18 2009.

    Sandra M. Pace Associate Regional Administrator Department of Survey and Certification"

    What is that 800 number to complain about the ethics of the KNS?
