Thursday, April 16, 2009

Finally Tennessee Issues Fines For Gas Gouging

Brian's Blog has covered the gas gouging by Pilot Travel Centers, LLC for many months and now the Attorney General of Tennessee has fined the Knoxville based family business. The Knoxville Mayor is the son and brother of the owners of Pilot Travel Centers, LLC. The Knoxville Mayor is a Republican candidate for Governor in 2010. The Knoxville Mayor utilizes the Pilot Travel Center, LLC owned plane to fly from campaign event to campaign event and to northeastern states as well. Now one of the four announced candidates for Governor is a recipient of Pilot Travel Center, LLC assets, an entity that violated the law and has now been fined for gas gouging the very citizens that he desires to serve as Governor.

Were citizens unable to get to work and lost portions of their salaries because of the gas gouging? YES. Were citizens unable to purchase some groceries and necessities for their children and families because of the gas gouging? YES. The repercussions of the citizens due to the gas gouging and corporate greed can not be satisfied through a fine. Is it likely that citizens may have passed away prematurely due to not being able to purchase needed medication due to the gas gouging? It is possible.

While we commend the Attorney General for forcing a fine. We say the only way for the citizens to have the last say is to VOTE NO on the candidate of the BIG Gas Retailer.

Certainly the actions of the Knoxville Mayor and his families business are NOT exactly the actions of a guy that travels on a White horse.


  1. Brian,
    Uh, I don't want to be nit-picky with you, but that's not a white horse that Haslem is riding. Unless I'm wrong, it's a Blue Roan.

    PS The give away is dapled rearend and the black mane. White horses have no dapling and have white manes.
    For what it's worth ...

  2. Not sure about you people out west in Kansas. But here in East TN if it looks White, we call it White. And we dont judge from their rearends

  3. Brian,
    You don't know that much about horses; that's OK! I got the "white horse' gag just fine - it was cute, funny and so you, all at the same time.
    Also, I spelled "dappling" wrong. Sorry. The dappling can occur in other areas of the horses body. In fact, it often covers most of the body. It's seasonally variable, during the winter they're light colored and then darken during the summer. Something else too, the coloring is the result of a specific genetic variation in the horse's chromosones.
    So anyway, a Roan can have dappling any where on its body not just the rearend. In the interest of brevity I may have accidently implied otherwise in my initial post.


  4. O.k. Steve, you know horses. But, ask 90% of Tennesseans they will tell you that's a white horse.

    It is symbolic of the Haslam candidacy. The Haslam arroganance of riding in on a white horse to save the day.

    Tennesseans I believe will reject it and him.

  5. Anonymous10:08 AM

    You need to check out the latest socialist propaganda from the Baker Center:

    Expose this. Someone needs to let Senator Baker know what is going on in his name.

  6. Brian,
    I agree with you (should we mark it down on our calenadars? :-) that TN voters may very well reject Mayor Haslem for the reasons you give. However ...
    The real reason I'm posting this comment is what Anoymous posted; "socialist propaganda"???
    I downloaded the pfd file and read some of it (it's very detailed and 168 pages long). However, I could see nothing that resembled "socialist propaganda". Do have any idea what Anoymous is talking about?


  7. Anonymous12:55 PM


    You can't see what you are blind to. The end of Election Day is another Acorn activist move to gain more power. No big surprise you can't see why protecting our traditional Election Day is important.

    News flash, most people that don't have cars are Democrats. Without the ability to vote in their own neighborhood they have to haul themselves out on the bus to the convenience voting center which in reality is not convenient if you don't have a car. That is why you should be against it. But when you control the Election Commission you can overcome that. You can spend extra to put the convenience voting centers where you want them. Since most Election Commissions are controlled by Democrats it isn't that big a problem.

    But the real reason for this is to push non-partisan elections which is an old Acorn trick. Politics is partisan. You can't wave a magic wand and change that. This is just another attempt to give the illusion of positive change while unleveling the player field. It makes newspapers more powerful in selecting candidates. In major urban centers those newspapers are not conservative. The idea is much more is gained than is lost.

    This gives great advantage to well funded candidates. It takes away the traditional Election Day and removes the candidate from the voter leaving only the press and advertising to move the vote. When you own the newspapers this is a great move. It makes it to where first time conservative candidates are disadvantaged. Which is of course the real reason. The end game.

    I can see why you would support it. All you had to know is who sponsored it. The Pew Charitable Trust. Nuff said?

    Why can't Democrats do anything straight up?
