Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Robert Bowman – We Barely Knew You

The printed program from the Knox County Lincoln Day Dinner list all the Republican elected officials, included in the list are the Republican State Executive Committee members and the Republican Knox County Election Commission members.

Just a few weeks ago the Knox County Legislative Delegation selected Robert Bowman, Chris Heagerty and Paul Crilly as the three members of the Knox County Election Commission.

So, how shocked were the members of the legislative delegation when they noticed that the program did not identify Robert Bowman as a member of the Knox County Election Commission. It identified Cameron Brooks. Cameron Brooks? Who is Cameron Brooks? Brooks is the DEMOCRAT member of the Knox County Election Commission.

The dinner committee of Cathy Quist, Bill Lockett and Foster Arnett were responsible for all aspects of this dinner. It seems Mr. Bowman may need to call the three officeholders to introduce him self. At this point it is like, Mr. Bowman we barely knew you!

1 comment:

  1. Minor glitches aside, the 2009 Knox County Lincoln Day Dinner was a tremendous success. There are many volunteers who donate their time, creativity, and efforts to welcome our guests and create an environment in which Knox County Republicans can celebrate our victories and prepare for the challenges ahead.

    My sincere thanks to all who helped and all who attended.

    Ray H. Jenkins
    Chairman, Knox County GOP
