Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Zach Wamp - He is Home Folk

I started yesterday morning with a breakfast meeting with another Republican candidate for Governor. Last night at the Knox County Republican Party's Lincoln Day Dinner I was pleased to see Third District Congressman Zach Wamp. He formally introduced me to his son Weston Wamp and Weston's girlfriend Emily, his daughter Coty and Kim, Zach's wonderful wife and mother of Weston and Coty.

The speeches went in alphabetical order so when your last name is Wamp. That means you are last. Congressman Wamp was as always energetic, to the point and proved that he is one of us. He is home folk. Zach has a story to tell and it is no different than 99.4% of us. He has a 14 year record in the Congress and that record is as identical to My Hero, My Consistent Conservative Congressman John J. "Jimmy" Duncan, Jr. as if Jimmy cloned himself.

While there are four candidates in the Republican Primary for Governor at this point in time. There are three candidates that are like us, Zach Wamp, Bill Gibbons and Ron Ramsey. Ron Ramsey really needs to help our Republican party keep and grow our control of the State House and State Senate. He needs to be there to help the Republican Governor pass the legislative agenda to fix the mess that Prince Phillip of Nashville is leaving us in January 2011.

So, that leaves two men that are home folks, home folks like us. Zach Wamp and Bill Gibbons. I enjoyed seeing Zach last night and the picture above was taken just before the dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Just catching up on your blog and wanted to agree with your assessment of the Lincoln Day dinner and your endorsement of Zack Wamp as the best candidate. As a scientist, his support of the national lab and the large amounts of DOE money that have been sent to the area in the past few years especially is something I can be proud of. I am looking forward to voting for him in the primaries!
