Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Haslam Campaign and Corporate Contributions?

Did you see this latest love letter installment from Jack McElroy and the gang at the Big Metal Shed on the Hill about their suitor the Knoxville Mayor.

Ingram says that he will NOT be compensated by Pilot for campaign work. The problem is in politics (clients Alexander, Corker and Knoxville Mayor are all political) perception becomes reality. The question is why does Pilot need another PR firm? Pilot already has Moxley/Carmichael in Knoxville as their PR firm. Has Cynthia and Alan not earned the Pilot work? We don't think so. We believe that Moxley Carmichael continue to do an exceptional job with Pilot. In spite of the gas gouging from last summer and fall of 2008.

The Haslam campaign and Pilot are mixing too many things together. We understand from our sources that the Knoxville Mayor continues to jet set across the country on a Pilot jet. If he makes one phone call for the campaign while on that jet in the Northeastern part of the USA for the campaign or if he prepares one document for the campaign while on a trip with the Pilot jet as his mode of transportation than it is a violation of campaign finance laws. NO corporate contributions are to be accepted. It is illegal.

The Knoxville Mayor, Senator Alexander and Senator Corker should insist that Ingram drop Pilot Corporation as a client or they should drop him. Plain and simple.

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