Sunday, May 17, 2009

Robin Smith

Robin Smith stepped down as Chairman from the TN GOP this weekend. The liberals and socialists do not like Robin because she did her job and gave the Republicans control of the State House and Senate. In reality, you are known by the enemies you keep. For this reason Robin will be an excellent Republican nominee to go up against whatever and whomever they put up on the the other party ballots.

Robin will be exploring the possibility of running for the U.S. Congressional seat in TN's District Three. The district that Congressman Zach Wamp currently represents.

Brian's Blog thanks Robin for all the hard work that she put into the TN GOP and wishes her well. Brian Hornback of Brian's Blog over the weekend said, "Robin Smith is one of the hardest working Republicans in this state and I believe that she would be an excellent Member of Congress to follow in the footsteps of my friend, Zach Wamp."

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