Tuesday, May 12, 2009

West Valley Middle School MUST Make Up Days Missed

I just received a phone call from the automated phone system at West Valley Middle School. It seems that the Knox County School Central Office and Knox County Health Department have erred in having West Valley closed for five days last week. They have instructed the parents that they will be in school Tuesday May 26, Wednesday May 27 and Thursday May 28. They have also asked the parents to contact the State Representatives and State Senators to vote for and support Senate Bill 899 to allow West Valley NOT to have to make up the time.

All the grades and reports have to be turned in to Central Office before Memorial Day. Teachers are off contracts after Memorial Day. How about families that have vacations scheduled for departure Memorial Day weekend.?How about the students from my home church that are departing for Middle School Mission trip on Tuesday May 26?

Many questions remain. A void of leadership on the part of members of the School Board in assisting Supt. McIntyre with the state department. A recall effort on the School Board Chair is appropriate as the school year has been lacking any real leadership from the board.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:50 PM

    I just can't believe that they didn't open up the school last Wednesday through Friday once the CDC had changed their recommendations for schools who had cases of swine flu. Yes, it's had to open a school once they've closed it.....but they would have had more attendance last week than after Memorial Day.
