Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Knox County Election Administrator Position Narrowed to Ten, Maybe.

The list of 45 was apparently narrowed to 10 finalists. The interviews of the 10 will begin at 8 a.m. on June 29, 2009. There is a footnote that there may be more names. This was posted on the Knox County Election Commission web page located here.

1. Greg Mackay - current Democrat Election Administrator

2. Scott Frith - North Knox Realtor, Appointee of Mayor Mike Ragsdale to Legacy Parks Board, has more political enemies than a former County GOP Chairman.

3. Jack White - Unknown at this time

4. Steve Hall - Current City Councilman and Host of Politics Knox (televised on CTV, Comcast Channel 10 at 8:30 p.m. every Friday evening)

5. Robert Seay - Unknown at this time

6. Jennifer McDonald - Unknown at this time

7. Gary Tidwell - Unknown at this time

8. Robert Huddleston - Local Attorney, Husband to State Republican Executive Committeewoman, Do not know if he is related to Black Wednesday Appointed County Commissioner Jack Huddleston.

9. William Ailor - Unknown at this time

10. William Moxley- Former Co-host of a former local low watt radio talk show.

Interestingly, Gary Drinnen the PR guy for Knox Charter Petition did not make the list of finalists.


  1. Anonymous9:15 PM

    The only good thing about Scott Frith getting this appointment would be that at least then the entire county would soon know what an egotistical, misogynist dinosaur he really is...

  2. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Rob Huddleston is qualified for the job.

    Also a conservative blogger.

    This is a job for an attorney. Mackay was a real estate agent.

  3. Brian -

    Heh heh. I am not related to Jack Huddleston, although I think I may have shook his hand once.


