Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Mike Hammond a Knox County Charter Law Breaker

Mike Hammond was first elected in 2004 to a term of two years. In 2006, he was re-elected to a term of four years. The term limit referendum that the citizens of Knox County imposed on Knox County and the TN Supreme Court upheld in 2006 says that NO official shall serve more than two consecutive terms.

Mike Hammond has served two consecutive terms. If he chooses to violate and break the law of Knox County it will not surprise many of us associated with Brian's Blog. It just brings back to mind the Tracy Lawrence song, Paint Me a Birmingham. Is Hammond so desperate to hold on to his Commission seat and salary that he wants certain individuals to paint the citizens of Knox County a picture of Birmingham?


  1. What about the fact he's already announced running for a county wide commission seat? He did that on the news when he thought it was important to let people know he wasn't running for county mayor....

  2. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Hammond doesn't live in the 5th district. He is a fraud.
