Sunday, June 07, 2009

Mike Hammond says The Public Be Damned

Mike Hammond has been meeting with local PR firms in an effort to shop for the best deal for a firm to serve him for his strategy and pr needs for a countywide County Commission race. The last time that Hammond had a serious challenge was in 2004, (in 2006, he didn't have a serious challenge) he had Tyler Harber. Mike, Mr. Harber is still available. No word on if Hammond has contacted Harber or not. It appears that Hammond is trying to lure one of three local yokel firms.

Here is the exact language of the Knox County Charter "no person shall be eligible to serve in any elected office of Knox County if during the previous two terms of that office the person in question has served more than a single term." (Knox County Charter 9.17) The entire Charter language is below for your review. Now, remember on November 8, 1994 the citizens of Knox County OVERWHELMINGLY (greater than 2-1) approved this Term Limit provision. In 2006, the TN Supreme Court upheld this provision of our Charter.

So, now Mike Hammond is taking the position that the public be damned. He will do what he wants to do, without regard for what the citizens have clearly voted for him to abide by. Send Mike Hammond a message. Tell him, thank you for your two terms of service. But we will NOT vote for you again. Because your a law breaker.

Sec. 9.17. Term limits.

A. Effective January 1, 1995, no person shall be eligible to serve in any elected office of Knox County if during the previous two terms of that office the person in question has served more than a single term. Service prior to the passage of this measure shall not count in determining length of service. Judges are exempt from this provision.

B. In January prior to each state legislative session until such a time that it can be certified that the legislative term limits described in this clause have been enacted, the clerk shall write all state legislators whose districts include any part of Knox County stating that the people of Knox County desire an opportunity to vote on legislative term limits. The people of Knox County respectfully request that a proposed constitutional amendment limit each Representative to six years (three terms) in the Tennessee House of Representatives and eight years (two terms) in the Tennessee Senate. The people of Knox County also instruct all state legislators representing any part of Knox County to pass this proposed constitutional amendment and place it on the general election ballot.

C. In January of each year until such a time that it can be certified that the term limits described in this clause have been enacted, the clerk of Knox County shall write all U.S. Representatives whose districts include any part of Knox County's limits and both federal Senators stating that the people of this municipality support term limits for the U.S. Congress. The people of Knox County respectfully request that a proposed federal constitutional amendment limit each Representative to six years (three terms) in the United States House of Representatives and twelve years (two terms) in the United States Senate. The people of this municipality also instruct their federal delegation to pass a constitutional amendment imposing these limits and submit it to the states for ratification.

D. If any provision of this petition shall be held unconstitutional, invalid or inapplicable to any persons or circumstances, then it is intended and declared by the people of the County that all other provisions of this petition and their application to all other persons and circumstances shall be severable and shall not be affected by such decision.

(Ref. of 11-8-94)


  1. Anonymous9:36 AM

    If you want a even bigger story, find out where Hammond really lives.

    It isn't the 5th District.

  2. That's an interesting comment. So, if he doesn't then I guess it's safe to assume he has a rental home or something that provides that address, i.e. Richard Cate and the 4th district.

  3. Anonymous3:31 PM

    The bills are in Hammond's name. But he lives in the 9th District. The media know about it and turn their heads. Some relative lives in his 5th District house.

    A person with a video camera could cost him his Commission seat.
