Sunday, July 19, 2009

Haslam Campaign is Funded by the Wealthest

Thanks to the local community newspaper, Knoxville Focus for pointing out that the Knoxville Mayor has averaged political contributions of $1,004.91 per contributor. Certainly, this is an indication of a wealthy gas gouging fuel retailer that has connections to raise a large sum of money. It is also an indication of a wealthy gas gouging fuel retailer that is out of touch with the everyday man and woman in Tennessee. In this economy, how many citizens can afford to give the Knoxville Mayor $1,004.91? How many employees of the gas gouging fuel retailer can afford to give him $1,004.91? Surely, the employees of the corporate office can and have contributed but not a majority of the gas gouging fuel retailers employees.

While the Mayor's campaign team will boast of having contributions from two thirds of the states counties. In reality at a recent Davidson County Republican picnic only 1 in 6 Republicans supported the Knoxville Mayor. While 5 of 6 Republicans chose another Republican candidate. While the Knoxville Mayor's campaign has boasted that they have raised money on the level of Bob Corker and he is now Tennessee's Sophmore United States Senator.

In channeling former Democrat Vice President candidate Lloyd Bentsen in response to the Knoxville Mayor. "I know Bob Corker, Bob Corker is a friend of mine, You Knoxville Mayor are no Bob Corker!" Also, Bob Corker had the gift of a young, immature opponent that had a Memphis Meltdown. The three candidates that the Knoxville Mayor must face are not young, immature and not likely to have a meltdown. The Knoxville Mayor is more likely to have a temper tantrum when he is rejected in the next preference poll.

It has also been noted that the Knoxville Mayor has never had to face an opponent that is a man. While he can attempt to intimidate former opponents by refusing to debate them. He refused multiple requests by organizations to debate his last opponent. He will not be able to intimidate and refuse debating Congressman Zach Wamp, Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey or Shelby County District Attorney General Bill Gibbons.

Here is the link to this weeks Knoxville Focus, the article is found on page 8 or it is also below.

3,871 contributions from sixty-six counties

Wednesday, Knoxville Mayor Bill Haslam reported that his gubernatorial campaign has received $3,890,137 in contributions for the January to June reporting period, besting the combined total of the other Republican candidates, and setting a record for this point in a Tennessee statewide campaign. The previous record was set by now U.S. Senator Bob Corker in 2005.

This new record reflects 3,871 contributions from sixty-six Tennessee counties and demonstrates the early grassroots support the campaign has built across the state. The number of contributions is also a record for this point in a Tennessee statewide campaign.

“I’m so grateful for the support we’re receiving from all over the state,” said Haslam. “Our team has done a fantastic job, and we’ll be able to build on this success.”

“I said when we announced our initial statewide finance committee that it was the most excited and energized group I had ever worked with, and this impressive total reinforces that,” said Kim Kaegi, Finance Director for the campaign. “And having donors in two-thirds of Tennessee’s counties is an unbelievable start.”

Bill Haslam is the two term Mayor of Knoxville. He was re-elected in 2007 with 87% of the vote. His combination of executive and public service experience makes him uniquely qualified to be Tennessee’s next Governor.

Bill and Crissy Haslam, have two daughters, Annie and Leigh, and a son, Will, who resides in Knoxville with his wife, Hannah.


  1. Anonymous11:25 PM

    It has also been noted that the Knoxville Mayor has never had to face an opponent that is a man.

    Excuse me? What the heck does that have to do with anything? Do you honestly think that a man would have been a tougher opponent than Madeline Rogero?

    She had one-third as much $$ as Haslam, and still came close to winning.

  2. Rogero got what she desired in the end.
