Sunday, July 05, 2009

Pray for our Neighbors to the East

Here is a story, Here is another one and here is one that details the death of the 15 year old.

The Cherokee County, SC sheriff's department and the Gaffney City police department have cancelled all vacations, on July 4 weekend no less. Over 100 investigators including the FBI and South Carolina's State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) are working on this case.

There are members of our community that are from Gaffney, SC. They know the families of one or more victims. I have been to Gaffney, SC on many occasions visiting a manufacturing facility located in Gaffney. The hundreds of people that I have met and talked to in Gaffney are good people. No community deserves to have a killer on the loose. No family deserves this. Please pray for this community.

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