Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Confession by James McGreevey

I was at McKay's one day and ran across the book of Dina Matos McGreevey and the book of Jim McGreevey. I purchased both. I read Dina Matos McGreevey first and posted about it here in mid July. It took me alot longer than normal to read Jim McGreevey's book.

You remember Jim McGreevey was the Democrat Governor of New Jersey that resigned because he had an extra marital affair with a male employee. He resigned from the Governorship primarily because of a pending extortion.

His book is a slow read. It details everything from his childhood, his raising, his rise to political power. He served as Mayor of Woodbridge and a member of the State Senate. He ran for Governor and lost and four years later ran and was swept into the Office of Governor by a large margin.

There are major differences in his tale and Dina's story of the coming out and of their life together. But, I wasn't surprised at that. I have been under the weather this weekend and so I finished the book so that I could move on to a book that I could enjoy.

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