Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Republican Andrew Graybeal for Commission - You Read it at Brian's Blog First.

Here is today's "official" announcement of Republican Andrew Graybeal that he will be a candidate for Knox County Commission, Seventh District.

August 5, 2009

It is with great pleasure that I give notice to the residents of the seventh district my intentions to seek the election of County Commissioner of the seventh district. A seat in which now is held by Commissioners R. Larry Smith and appointed Commissioner Michelle Carringer. After careful review and research I feel as if the citizens of the seventh district deserve a representative whom is not a politician, rather someone whom will be a servant for the people. I have always stood for conservative measures and feel that a public official should perform research prior to any vote for the best interest of the citizens in which he or she would represent. My position was given clearly at the Halls Republican Club which political ticket in which I will be running upon, and needs no further explanation. I will pledge that I will serve the needs of ALL citizens of Knox County no matter what their political nature may be. I am ready to serve the citizens prior to the election and will be eager to serve when elected.

Education: With the greatest portion of our tax dollars being spent to on education, as your commissioner I would focus on the results of educational spending. Properly educated students brings forth unlimited opportunities, which will create future generation growth for Knox County.

Development: I have personally watched our district flourish from the rural, agricultural, small business environment to major commercial and residential community. I would envision future development for the seventh district, landowners should have the right to sell for future development, however, future development shall not harm the community and adjacent landowners.

Government Waste: Funding decisions from Knox County Commission should be conservative with no risky decisions with tax payers’ money. Our local weak economy should be carefully monitored, and as your commissioner, I would certainly research prior to making costly decisions which affect the citizens of Knox County. The best interests of the citizens of Knox County shall be my first priority.

Commissioner Accountability: As a commissioner for Knox County, I will be accessible to the citizens at all times. Refraining from scandalous and deceptive business ethnics. I am assertive to pledge to be a servant for to the citizens of Knox County and thru my efforts and knowledge I wish to give my time and services to the community in which I would proudly serve.

My Personal Pledge to Knox County:

Our County Commission is not the place for politicians or protégés. Our Citizens deserve properly trained leaders, someone with leadership experience, someone whom possesses a high standard of ethics, and a personal history to match, I have these qualities which is why I want to be the County Commissioner for the seventh district of Knox County.

REAL REPRESENTATION for all of Knox County

Get Real with Graybeal

Will you vote for me as the PEOPLES commissioner?


  1. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Isn't this man a democrat? Since when does someone just decide to change parties? Do his ideals change that easily or was he that uncommitted to his own party that he will simply flipflop to win? It is one thing to vote for a democrat because of his principles/stand on issues. It's another thing to vote for someone that doesn't even know what they stand for. I'd like to see someone else entirely run.

  2. Late last year he sent a letter of resignation to the Democrat Party.

    He and his wife attended the Halls Republican Club. He was confronted publicly by Gerald Turner during the meeting. He renounced his Democrat Party membership and said that he is a Republican.

    He got a huge round of applause and has been accepted. He has attended the Halls Republican Club every month.

    His wife, Trish has always been a Republican.

    Now that we have cleared that up. Let's talk about the differences in this race. A liar named R. Larry or Andrew Graybeal. If I lived out there I would rid myself of the liar.
