Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sunshine Law Violation

This morning at 10:20 a.m. a violation of the Sunshine law occurred between Commissioners Smith and Broyles. This meeting occurred during a break in the Knox County Ethics Committee meeting.

Monday night at the Knox County Commission meeting Commissioner Tony Norman and Amy Broyles attempted to end the practice of evidentiary hearings of the Ethics Committee. This morning when the Ethics Committee meeting began, Commissioner Richard Briggs attempted to shut down this hearing before it started. The motion to not conduct the hearing failed 2-5, with Briggs being joined by Chris Etters. Briggs is recusing himself from this hearing.

Here is the photographic evidence of the Sunshine law violation.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Amy Broyles breaks the Sunshine Law almost weekly. She has contributed little to Knox County. A strong Republican candidate is needed to represent the Second District.
