Friday, September 04, 2009

Commissioner Briggs NEEDS To Be Punished Like The "Spoiled Brat" He Is

Commissioner Briggs recuses himself one week, the next week he acts like he doesn't understand what a recusal is. Dr. Briggs, you are not that stupid, you played one on Thursday, but you are not "that" stupid. He went against the Republican Party on the position of the Charter Amendments, he went against his Republican colleague and district mate for Chairman. Briggs has a lot of money from being a heart doctor, but he can be sure of one thing. The Fifth District Republicans are coming after him next year. So, he better enjoy his one and only term on County Commission. Don't take the word of Brian's Blog, watch his Larry Smith impersonation below.


  1. Herb King8:54 PM

    Briggs burns me up. Typical elitist hypocrite. Reminds me of Obama. The rules don't apply to him.

    One and done.

  2. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Briggs has been spoiled from day one. He thinks because he saves lives he is above the law. His greatest accomplishments are NRR, Hillcrest, and saving Ragsdale. Possibly the worst Commissioner ever from the Fifth District. We sure could use Frank Leuthold back. Except thanks to Briggs, Frank is in a different District. There isn't any difference between Briggs and Ragsdale. Both are completely unreliable. Unless you are one of their cronies of course.

  3. Sherry9:40 AM

    That is an amazing video. He acts like a little kid having a tantrum. He should resign from that committee.

  4. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Briggs wasn't done acting like a spoiled brat.

    Watch Tennessee This Week at noon Sunday or watch it on the Internet:

    Now Briggs wants to kick off people off the Ethics Committee. He questions whether Elaine Davis, Lewis Cosby, and Carson Daily should be on the committee. Briggs also wants a redo on the Ragsdale vote in the Ethics Committee. How many times has Briggs saved Ragsdale?

    We need to get rid of this guy. He shouldn't have a seat on Commission. He is a Ragsdale crony and needs to be soundly defeated in the next election. They don't call him Metro Dick Briggs for nothing.
