Friday, September 18, 2009

Hammond and Saunders, It's Your Fault!

There was a front page story on the product produced by the Big Metal Shed on the Hill. The story was about Law Director Bill Lockett and the pay raises he has received the past two years. Commissioners Finbarr Saunders and Mike Hammond are wanting to have Lockett explain what his role and duties have been since May. Commission and School Board have both said that they do not want Lockett's advice. That is show. Because Bill Lockett is Joe Jarett's immediate supervisor. Jarett is the legal counsel for County Commission, if he doesn't adhere to his immediate supervisor's instruction. Jarett could be terminated for insubordination. Same with Marty McCampbell, legal counsel for the School Board. She must adhere to direction of Law Director Bill Lockett of she too could be terminated for cause.

Now, the salary of the Law Director is set by State Statute. But Commissioners Hammond and Saunders should have seen where the salary line item was more in the FY 2010 budget than the FY 2009 budget and should have requested the budget line item justification for each line item in every department including the law department. So, County Commission approved Lockett's pay raise when they approved the budget in June. For Hammond and Saunders to question it two months after the budget year began demonstrates their inability to do their job effectively and efficiently.

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