Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Brian's Blog Confirms Yesterday's Speculation, Recall Groups Violate State Election Finance Law

Yesterday, we posted the following blog post. Today, we called back to the Knox County Election Commission and asked the following. "Have the Lockett Recall or the Recall Bill Phillips groups filed Treasurer Appointments?" The answer from a longtime employee was "NO. But you will have to talk to Greg about it." The longtime employee asked if we "wanted to be connected to Greg Mackay" We stated and confirmed "No, his direct line number is 2483? Correct?" The longtime employee said "Yes." We thanked the employee for the information. We attempted to contact Greg Mackay, he was not available.

So, our speculation was accurate. Earlier today a commenter on our earlier post shared with us a comment that Tamara Shepherd, an organizer and Core member of The Lockett Recall Initiative had posted at knoxnews. She said "Meanwhile, we've committed to a reorder on those yard signs." So, the group is now on record as intending to violate state election finance laws?

As for the Recall Bill Phillips Group, they too according to the longtime Election Commission employee have not filed an appointment of Treasurer form. They have a website, at least one large sign that has been seen mounted in the back of a pick up truck in the Gibbs community. They have also mailed out some letters. All items that will need to be recorded as bought or given as an in kind contribution. Keep in mind that state election law forbids solicitation and acceptance of any monetary value until an appointment of Treasurer is filed.


  1. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Here is the registration info for

    Admin Name........... Karen Davis
    Admin Address........ 111 south
    Admin Address........
    Admin Address........ corryton
    Admin Address........ 37721
    Admin Address........ tn
    Admin Address........ UNITED STATES
    Admin Email..........
    Admin Phone.......... +1.8659920988
    Admin Fax............

    this registration does cost a few bucks - maybe $10.

    Looks like they tried to hide the registration by putting the website on . .

  2. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Saw where someone posted the registration information for the Bill Phillips web site. Here is the info for the Bill Lockett recall site. Note it was created on June 10. That means money was spent on June 10. Keep the pressure on!

    Registered through:, Inc. (
    Created on: 10-Jun-09
    Expires on: 10-Jun-10
    Last Updated on: 10-Jun-09

    Administrative Contact:
    Paone, Brian
    Sidatio Design Studio
    309 N. Bellemeade Ave.
    Knoxville, Tennessee 37919
    United States
    (865) 919-7471

    Technical Contact:
    Paone, Brian
    Sidatio Design Studio
    309 N. Bellemeade Ave.
    Knoxville, Tennessee 37919
    United States
    (865) 919-7471

  3. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Hold on, these are the people who will bring reform? But they don't care a bit about following the rules?

    Typical progressive elitists. Do as I say not as I do.

    I voted for the recall amendment. I won't next time. It is just going to be used by progressives to attack Republicans. Fooled me the first time. Not again.

    Remember with the recall amendment people can be removed for no reason at all.
