Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ken Knight's Opponent and Taxpayer Dollars

Ken Knight's opponent has served as a member of the Broadway-Fifth Task Force, Mayor's Task Force on Facade Improvement, 5th Ave./Central Avenue Corridor. The minutes from the July 21, 2006 Fifth Broadway Committee state. At the end of the meeting, there was more discussion on feeding the homeless. Duane Greive asked if we could get beyond that, and move on to other things to improve the area's appearance mentioning the city's facade grant program along with TDOT funding that is available. (source: City of Knoxville website)

On May 19, 2007 the Knoxville News Sentinel reported, Duane Greive is one of a handful of property owners near the Broadway - Central Street intersection using facade grants available now because the area is part of a revitalization area. Greive received two grants totaling $55,981 for his building.

In the City of Knoxville's 2008 Annual Report we find Duane Greive received $195,000 cash in Non EZ/EC Grant funds. In addition, a five year forgivable loan (up to $50,000) to business owners for facade improvements in the Broadway/Central area.

Ken Knight's opponent in campaign material and website credits him as an Urban Pioneer. He cites "Architect - Miller's Building Restoration on Gay Street. Cornerstone of downtown revival." What he failed to disclose is that he received $700,000 for this project.

If the last thing you want is someone on City Council that will not be open and transparent about their past financial dealings with the City and KUB (all taxpayer dollars) then do not cast a Vote for Ken Knight's opponent. Vote for Ken Knight.

If you would like a copy of the supporting documents that detail this information, please email us here and we will be happy to furnish you with the supporting documentation.

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