Monday, November 30, 2009

Election Commission Responds to Brian's Blog Investigations

In obvious response to the uncovered irregularities exposed by Brian's Blog (here and here are examples) at the Knox County Election Commission. Administrator Greg McKae has announced through today's website here that he will post candidates nominating petitions online. We have two additional confirmed irregularities that we will be posting today and tomorrow. We have been told that McKae states that it is not his job to confirm that the candidates comply with the law and ensure that the forms are accurate. So, we are encouraging citizens to file complaints with Mark Goins, Coordinator of Election and with Tre Hargett, Secretary of State. In addition, we encourage citizens to contact the members of the Knox County Election Commission concerning the lax management operation of the Knox County Election Commission. Chairman Chris Heagerty 865-546-1831; Secretary Cassandra McGee Stuart 865-546-5772; Bob Bowman 865-525-5134; Paul Crilly 865-974-5740 and Cameron Brooks 865-974-8691.

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