Sunday, December 13, 2009

Seventh District School Board Replacement

On Saturday Georgiana Vines announced in this article the shock heard in North Knox County. That shock is that first term Seventh District School Board Member Rex Stooksbury would NOT be running for re-election next year. This evening in the Shopper News website here Jake Mabe reports that former ousted Seventh District School Board Member Diane Dozier was strongly considering running in 2010. It should be noted that Dozier is an employee in the County Clerk's Office. The current occupant of the County Clerk position is Foster Arnett. It would be shocking if Arnett would allow an employee in his office to violate the Knox County Ethics Policy by running for elected office and maintain their position in the Clerk's office.

While it would be a long shot for a successful Dozier campaign to be successful. There are two names floating through the seventh district as probable replacements to Stooksbury. Jake Mabe, a News employee of Shopper-News and Former County Commissioner Scott Moore.

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