Tuesday, December 22, 2009

WATE's Tucker and Patterson Were Irresponsible Last Night

Last night's news story concerning the accidental shooting of William S. "Trent" Lockett III was a tragic story. Brian's Blog the referee of Knoxville's media calls foul on WATE and it's anchors Tucker and Patterson.

First, Tucker begins to throw the story to Patterson by referring to Trent's father Knox County Law Director Bill Lockett as the "embroiled law director". Then Patterson tells the story and states falsely that Lockett has been under fire all year. That is not true, Lockett publicly acknowledged the issue of he and his former employer in May 2009. Additionally, there was no reason to rehash the situation of Mr. Lockett's and his former employer.

The only reason Tucker and Patterson employed this National Enquirer tactic (other than WATE have always employed this tactic) was to try and propel their already third place finish in local viewing to a higher status. It will not work, as they continue utilizing National Enquirer tactics they will continue to be third in a market with three television news teams in our community.

Last night's tactic should shame Tucker, Patterson and WATE for using the untimely death of a young man and the devastation of a family's loss for their own selfish ratings. It will not.

Everyone else in Knoxville, should do what WVLT news anchor Alan Williams said last night. Williams ended their segment by saying "All of us at WVLT extend our thoughts and prayers to the Lockett family." WBIR news anchor John Becker handled the story professionally. That is proof why those two stations are at the top of the Knoxville market.

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