Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Why Does Scripps Owned News Sentinel Editors Cover Up For Haslam

The story of a 17 year City of Knoxville employee using youth workers funded by federal government stimulus money for his own personal property has been taken down from the front page of knoxnews quickly. Even with 16 comments posted of line, here. Why Jack McElroy and crew continue to shield negative stories from public scrutiny is amazing. Is it because Pilot Travel Centers, LLC buys thousands of newspapers to give away free every Friday? Is it because Jack McElroy has been promised a position in a prospective cabinet for Bill Haslam?

This 17 year City of Knoxville employee utilized federal dollars for personal gain. The 17 year City of Knoxville employee utilized labor of minors for personal gain. What would have happened had this been a Knox County employee? Sheriff Jimmy J.J. Jones terminated a deputy for a 5 gallon can of gasoline. But, Bill Haslam suspends the employee for 2 weeks. This is not leadership. Haslam is allowing an individual to profit at the expense of youth workers and federal monies.

With regard to Haslam Jack McElroy and the News Sentinel fails to give light so the people can find their way.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:59 PM

    if he has any other name than Haslam, he would be working in a Walmart as a bagger

