Monday, January 25, 2010

Fifth District Commissioners Fail To Do The Job They Are Elected To Do

This evening the Knox County Commission had a rezoning request for the Choto Road and Northshore Drive interchange. A proposed Weigels fuel and food center. After a lengthy debate, South Knox County Commissioner Paul Pinkston said "if no one from the fifth district will make a motion, I will." Another commissioner made the second and the rezoning passed 17-0-1. Fifth District Commissioner Craig Leuthold recused himself. Commissioner Richard Briggs and Commissioner Michael Hammond who are seeking re-election to the Fifth District and a Countywide at large position respectively were too afraid to make the group of citizens in support upset or the group in opposition upset. The good news is they ticked off both groups. So, the net gain is that both sides will vote for their opponents. Good job there fraidy-cats Briggs and Hammond.

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