Saturday, January 23, 2010

Is the Junior Tabloid Bully Girl Dumb, Lazy or All The Above?

The Junior Tabloid Bully Girl that has been sponsored by the Senior Tabloid Bully Girl made this posting on the local liberal blog supposedly about Brian's Blog. She demonstrated why she has been terminated by the Knoxville Journal, Sentinel and Metro Pulse over the years. She falsely alleges that a post was deleted. The problem is that the Junior Tabloid Bully Girl is too old to understand that had it been deleted it is still discoverable. The blog post she believes in her alleged mind has been deleted has NOT been deleted, it is still up and will REMAIN up. So as usual she is too ignorant to perform a simple search function on Brian's Blog. It is laughable and proves she is too lazy to find real work, relying on her gal pal for a steady income.


  1. HallsMan8:56 PM

    The parents of Junior Tabloid Bully Girl must feel bad for raising two of the laziest people ever.

  2. Brian,
    Do you have a link to the deleted post that was never deleted, because it's still up?
    I'd like to read it. I'm trying to get caught up on this issue.
    Also, could you please stop being so ... so ... COY? Just say it!
    Thnak you,

  3. I am responding to the attack of the lazy, old gal pal of Senior Tabloid Bully girl. Why should I do her work? She doesn't even show up for city council meetings. She watches the meeting on tv eating Cheetos on her sofa. All the socialist on the liberal blog are being coy by not refeering to my blog and me by name. I will send you the blog post by seperate email. I doing the work for the old lazy ____________. it hasn't been deleted and even if it had it is still discoverable. She is just to stoopid (sp, not purpose)to find it.

  4. Brian,
    Thnak you I look foward to reading it

