Thursday, February 25, 2010

Brian Strong Withdraws from County Commission Race

Brian Strong, candidate for Knox County Commission District Six withdrew from the race this morning. Strong's withdrawal now leaves Brad Anders, Knox County Commissioner District Six unopposed in this years election.

Strong issued a statement that read, "I have a passion for public service and I want to contribute to Knox County's future. A motivator for my decision to enter the race this year is the continuing uncertainty about the number of commissioners who will serve our community. However, as I've reflected on the campaign I've concluded that while public service is a goal to which I'm going to dedicate myself, now is not the time for me to make this run. As a result, I am withdrawing my candidacy. My focus will be on the future. In the meantime I will contribute in whatever way I can to help build a prosperous future of the 6th District and of Knox County.

In other election news, Chuck Ward withdrew his candidacy from the County Commission Ninth District Republican Primary. His departure leaves Commissioner Paul Pinkston and Mike Brown as the only candidates in the Republican Primary in the Ninth District. Also, Elaine Davis filed and appeal of the decision that disqualified her as a candidate for the County Commission Fourth District Republican Primary. Should Davis appeal be successful she will face Republican candidate Jeff Ownby.

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