Sunday, February 07, 2010

Imitation is the Greatest Form of Flattery even from The Slopper?

I have always heard that imitation is the greatest form of flattery. Well, after tonight I don't know, you see the slopper tabloid bully girl lifted material that was original to Brian's Blog. On this post on January 16, 2010 we said about Chuck Ward candidate for County Commission Ninth District. Plus to those of us that listen to Sports Talk there is that line, "I am Chuck Ward and I want to buy your house."

And now in the Slopper Tabloid Bully Girl's column tomorrow E.W. Scripps published. Mike Brown and Paul Pinkston will face a fight with Chuck "I want to buy your house" Ward in District 9.

Brian's Blog recognizes with the main characters employed by E.W. Scripps for their tabloid "National Enquirer" weekly you have a publisher that is known as the Slopper Tabloid Bully Girl, a reporter that is known to just be a big bag of gas after a meal of Beans and a former accountant that now plays a reporter that never lets facts get in the way of an accurate or balanced story.

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