Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It is Official Zach is IN

The Wamp family (Congressman Wamp, his wife, Kim along with their son Weston and daughter Coty) were present at the University of Tennessee Knoxville Student Center for the official Knoxville announcement of his candidacy for Governor of TN. Weston Wamp introduces his dad and our Next Governor Zach Wamp.

Congressman Wamp delivering his announcement and detailing his 20/20 vision for Tennessee. He even did a shout out to BRIAN HORNBACK in the middle of his Knoxville announcement. I am truly honored.

Congressman Wamp listening to the reporters question.

And our next Governor explaining what real servant leadership as Governor of TN will look like in January 2011 and beyond.

Congressman Wamp sitting down and doing a interview with Harlow Summerford of WATE. It was all about bright lights when discussing the 20/20 vision for Tennessee. It was a great event and a great day for the people of Tennessee. Congressman Wamp then attended the TN -v- Georgia basketball game and the good guys won.

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