Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Karns Republican Club Tonight

Big crowd tonight at the Karns Republican Club to hear General Sessions Judge Patricia Hall Long. Long explained what the General Sessions Judge does everyday. There is 1 General Sessions Judge for 76,000 Knox County citizens. A very informative talk and she answered every question. Long is a welcome addition to the Knox County judicial system.

The following officials were present. Knox County Republican Party Chairman Ray Jenkins, Knox County Republican First Vice Chair Phyllis Severance, Chancellor John Weaver, General Sessions Clerk Cathy Quist, Criminal Court Clerk Joy McCroskey, Register of Deeds Sherry Witt, Trustee Fred Sisk and Bobby Waggoner representing Sheriff Jimmy J.J. Jones. John Duncan, III candidate for Trustee was in attendance, Theresa Leadbetter representing her husband Ron Leadbetter, candidate for State Senate District 7 spoke on behalf of her husband. Brian Hornback of Brian's Blog spoke for himself as a candidate for Republican State Executive Committeeman District 6.

The best line came from the Sisk and Duncan exchange. Sisk went first said I have an opponent in this fine young man. When Duncan spoke he said as Fred said I am a fine young man. That is what this sport of politics is about, use your opponents words to your advantage. As a candidate don't be caught saying anything good about your opponent that can be quoted back. It doesn't mean you have to talk trash, just don't address your opponent or it will come back.

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