Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Knox County Commission May 4, 2010 Contested Elections

In Knox County's Sixth District County Commissioner Brad Anders (pictured to the right) faces political newcomer Brian Strong in the May 4 Republican Primary. Anders is the most reasoned member of Knox County Commission, he doesn't talk just to hear himself talk. He doesn't grandstand on issues where he agrees or disagrees with a person or an issue. But, when he does have a position on an issue, he is able to articulate his point to an actionable result.

In Knox County's Seventh District County Commissioner Michele Carringer, County Commissioner Larry Smith and successful Powell businesswoman Lillian Williams face off in the May 4 Republican Primary. This race has already gotten heated. Sources witnessed at a recent County Commission meeting, Smith got in the door of the City County Building just before Carringer and slammed the door right before Carringer got to the door. Williams had a successful kickoff this past weekend. So, this one is going to be an interesting contest.

In Knox County's Eighth District County Commissioner Dave Wright faces Gibbs High School Band Booster Duane Bias in the May 4 Republican Primary. At a recent Eighth District Republican Club meeting, Bias who has a construction background detailed his involvement over the last several years. When Ritta Elementary was under going renovation Bias and Commissioner John Mills toured the building and there was no plan to install Internet connections. Bias explained to Mills how important Internet is for elementary students. That change order was implemented. Bias also states that the Eighth district which touches five counties only has one middle school. A Gibbs Middle School is long overdue. Knox County has land on Tazewell Pike for the Gibbs Middle School but no new school is in the Schools Capital Plan.

In Knox County's Ninth District County Commissioner Paul Pinkston, County Commissioner Mike Brown and Realtor Chuck Ward face off in the May 4 Republican Primary. This race pits Pinkston and Ward, both who are well known, liked and have great name identification in the district. Brown has two years of experience on the Commission, unlike Pinkston Brown is often forgotten and hasn't really accomplished anything in his two year term.

For the County Commission At Large seat #11 County Commissioner Bud Armstrong faces County Commissioner Ed Shouse in the May 4 Republican Primary. Armsrong at a recent Halls Republican Club meeting stated that if the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth districts would stick together and elect him then they would continue to have a balanced representation on the County Commission. Both of these guys are really good guys, they are solid Commissioners that in the past two years have performed exceptionally well. The name identification for Shouse throughout the entire county is an advantage. In addition, with a hotly contested County Commission race in the Seventh and potentially in the Ninth, we are not sure that the plan for the districts to solidly stay together is very likely. Either way, with Armstrong or Shouse Knox County wins. We can't say that for some of the other races.

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