Friday, February 19, 2010

Tim Hutchison for Mayor Kickoff is a Success

Tim Hutchison kicked off his campaign for Knox County Mayor last night with a $250 per person reception at Calhoun's on the River. Over 400 individuals attended the kickoff reception. Tom Ingram, former Chief of Staff to United Stated Senator Lamar Alexander, Former Knoxville Mayor Kyle Testerman and many present and past Knoxville and Knox County officeholders were present to support the former Sheriff of Knox County in his bid to be the Countys next Mayor.


  1. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Isn't Ingram Bill Haslam's right hand man? So Big Jim has officially put their stamp on the mayors race. Guess the governors party bunker is not enough, need their thumb on the 6th floor too.

  2. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Word is that Tim Burchett will not debate. The idea is that Burchett has all the votes he will get and a debate will only cost him votes.

    Why is Tim Burchett afraid to debate? Does he have something to hide?

    Like his record? You're a coward Burchett.
